Group Executive - Workforce Development

Terri Weems is the Executive Director of Workforce Development. She was appointed by Mayor Mike Duggan in June 2023 to lead Detroit at Work. Detroit at Work is a world-class staffing organization that supplies ready talent to employers and solves the often complex job readiness needs of local residents by leveraging Detroit’s network of service providers. Terri is responsible for developing the strategies and innovative programming for employers and jobseekers to ensure employers have the talent they need, measured by increased residential work participation and employment levels, improved financial stability among residents, and growth in the number and quality of employers served through the system.
Terri, a multi-disciplined Certified Public Accountant (CPA), brings 20+ years of combined experience in corporate, nonprofit, government and entrepreneurial sectors both in the United States and abroad. Prior to joining the City, Terri was Chief Financial Officer and later President of Detroit Employment Solutions Corporation (DESC), the nonprofit organization which serves as the City of Detroit’s workforce agency and Michigan Works Agency. She focused on developing metrics and leveraging data to inform the organization’s decision-making. She led DESC’s process optimization and continuous improvement efforts and led the organization through significant growth from $37MM to over 100+ funding streams with $80MM in funding.
As a former Senior Manager for PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), Terri audited and advised Fortune 500 companies and directed firm-wide innovation and transformational change efforts for PwC which led to improved organizational performance and improved profitability. She was responsible for designing, delivering, and administering new workforce models, talent brands and performance management processes and several new technologies and procedures aimed at improving efficiencies, reducing the potential for compliance issues and managing interdependencies.
Terri has been recognized and awarded locally and statewide for her efforts across finance, non-profit and in education. She is also actively involved in her communities. She was elected to serve on a Board of Education and is heavily involved in mentoring youth throughout the metro Detroit area in roles as an advisor to DPSCD, and through Women of Tomorrow. In addition to serving on several other boards, she annually finds time to organize volunteer opportunities to feed those who are less fortunate, created and distributes an annual scholarship for students interested in postsecondary education and is a regular contributor and volunteer across multiple local efforts.
Terri earned her Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Master of Science in Accounting degrees from Ohio University. She is a member of the American Institute of CPAs, Michigan CPAs, and the National Association of Black Accountants.