SWA2024-00224 Sitto Industries on behalf of Light ‘Em Up
Summary of the proposed signage: Legalize a 13 sq. ft (3.25 ft x 4.25 ft), 15 ft. tall internally illuminated pole sign on W. Warren Avenue.
Summary of the waiver request and the extent to the sign does not meet the regulation: A waiver is requested from Sec. 4-4-40(c) to permit a pole sign 3 sq. ft. (25%) larger than the 12 sq. ft. permitted and from Sec. 4-4-40(d) to permit the sign to be set back 2.5 ft (33%) fewer than the 7.5 ft required.
Teams meeting - Meeting ID: 226 055 163 63 | Passcode: UcmxkS
Dial in number: 469-998-6602 | Phone Conference ID: 110 010 518#