Special DON Cast Meeting - 3-5-2024


Special DON Cast - District 4, 6, & 7

Please Join the Department of  Neighborhoods for a virtual meeting where  you will receive information on relevant topics that you can share with your neighbors and friends.

Every Monday @ 5 pm



CDBG-Disaster Recovery(DR) Private Sewer Repair Program(PSRP)

CDBG-DR is designed to reduce basement backup and flooding for eligible homeowners and property owners with qualifying tenants through sewer infrastructure improvements. The program will be made available via grants for homeowners and forgivable loans to property owners renting to eligible tenants. Applicants must show a tie back to the June 2021 floods, have a household income at or below 80% of the Area Median Income (AMS), and reside in 1 of 22 eligible neighborhoods.


1.  Join the meeting via conference call:

1 (312) 626-6799

1 (346) 248-7799

Then enter Meeting ID: 363 140 9738#


2.  Join the meeting via Zoom video:


Meeting ID: 363 140 9738


For more information, contact your District Manager or Deputy District Manager or call (313) 224-4415