NOTICE OF PUBLIC OUTREACH - CDBG Disaster Recovery Draft Action Plan meetings March 10 & 17


CDBG Disaster Recovery Draft Action Plan - Funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

HUD has awarded the City of Detroit $346,864,000 in Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) funds. This award is in response to the unmet needs (such as housing and infrastructure) of the City of Detroit as a result of the August 24-26, 2023, presidentially declared disaster for flooding and severe storms. 

The City must submit an Action Plan to HUD describing how it will spend these funds in order to receive the funding. During these meetings, the City will present its proposed use of the 2023 CDBG-DR funds. Residents and stakeholders are encouraged to attend and provide feedback.

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