Detroit Water and Sewerage Department Notice: Public Meeting for Water Main Replacement FY25 Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) Project
The Detroit Water and Sewerage Department (DWSD) announces a Public Meeting regarding its Project Plan for proposed Water Main Replacement in the City of Detroit. DWSD is seeking low interest Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) loan assistance for FY2025. These projects are comprised of replacing aging water mains at select locations in the neighborhoods of Evergreen-Outer Drive, Crary/St Marys, and Cadillac Community of Council District 1, the Greenwich, San Bernardo, Pembroke, Sherwood Forest, McDowell, and Oak Grove of Council District 2, and the Hawthorne Park, Conant Gardens neighborhoods of Council Districts 2 and 3. The projects are respectively titled WS-741 (Project A) and WS-742 (Project B). Construction will include excavation of existing water mains, installation of new pipes, select rehabilitation of existing pipes, replacement valves and hydrants, replacement of lead (Pb) water service lines of two inches diameter or less to connect from the water main to the customer water meter, pressure testing, backfill of the excavation required for piping work, and restoration of each work site. All work to be performed within the existing road right-of-way. The impact of the project will be improved customer satisfaction and safe, reliable service delivery of potable water to customers. The temporary impact of construction activities will be minimized through mitigation measures specified in the contract documents. Adverse impacts on historical, archaeological, geographic, or cultural areas are not expected. This project is necessary to ensure that DWSD will consistently and reliably provide high quality potable water to Detroit residents. The Project Plan describes water mains in critical need of replacement or rehabilitation. The total cost of this project is currently estimated at approximately $19.5 million for Project A and $19.5 million for Project B; a total of $39 million which is being sought through the DWSRF program. The water main replacement/rehabilitation inclusive of lead water service line replacement work is eligible for participating under the State of Michigan low interest DWSRF loan program. The Public Meeting will present a description of the recommended projects, estimated costs, noting no potential impact for customers. The current rate structure and lease agreement payments will cover the cost. The purpose of the meeting is not only to inform, but to seek and gather input from people that will be affected. Comments and viewpoints from the public are encouraged.
DATE: Wednesday, March 20, 2024
PLACE: Detroit Water and Sewerage Department
Water Board Building
735 Randolph, 5th Floor, Board Room
Detroit, Michigan 48226
TIME: 2:00 p.m.
Call in using your phone: 301-715-8592
Zoom Meeting ID: 815 7263 5118
Zoom Passcode: 482262021
To attend online:
Zoom link:
Use Passcode: 482262021
Information on the Project Plan will be available for review after March 1, 2024 at the following locations:
- City Website:
- By email request: [email protected]
- In person at the Water Board Building
If you have questions or want to submit written statements for the Public Meeting, call or write:
Call: 313-782-2477
Email: [email protected]
Mail: Sonali Patel
Detroit Water and Sewerage Department
735 Randolph, Suite 901
Detroit, MI 48226
Written comments will be accepted at the above address if received prior to 2:00 p.m. EST, Wednesday, March 20, 2024.
Participating in Public Comment During the Public Hearing
You may provide your public comment in-person or via Zoom (see below).
In-person attendees
- If you want to make public comment, complete the form available in the Board Room and it will be provided to the Chair. The Chair will call on you during the appropriate time.
- We respectfully request that you maximize your three minutes by sharing all your comments/questions at one time.
- You will only be called upon once for public comment.
- Once the chair closes public comment, there will be no other comments from the public accepted and all public attendees will not be acknowledged during the remainder of the meeting.
Attending via Zoom
• During the public comment section, raise your hand using the Zoom hand icon on your desktop or mobile device, or if calling into the meeting by phone, press *9 to raise your hand (press *6 to unmute when called upon).
• We respectfully request that you maximize your three minutes by sharing all your comments/questions at one time.
• You will only be called upon once for public comment.
• Once the chair closes public comment, there will be no other comments from the public accepted and all attendees will remain muted for the duration of the meeting.
City of Detroit Water and Sewerage Department
Gary Brown, Director
Water Board Building