City Funding - NOFA

About the NOFA

Notice of Funding Availability

The City of Detroit allocates funds through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to strengthen public-private partnerships in order to achieve the following goals:

  1. Produce mixed-use, mixed-income multifamily housing developments in the city's neighborhoods through both new construction and adaptive reuse of existing structures.
  2. Preserve affordability in both rent restricted and naturally occurring affordable multifamily housing.
  3. Develop supportive housing for homeless individuals and families.
  4. Prepare for, prevent, and respond to coronavirus.
  5. Provide opportunities for and support development to first-time, small-scale, community-based organizations/entities.


Affordable Housing Notice of Funding Availability - Released February 3, 2025, Due March 6, 2025


Special Projects Notice of Funding Availability (Open)


Prior Funding Rounds

Current Development Opportunities Accepting Proposals

Marketing Package: Infill Development at 1401 Seward in New Center/Virginia Park

Request for Proposals: New Construction Mixed-Use Residential at 5511-5517 W Warren in the Midwest Tireman neighborhood (proposals due November 15)

Pre-Submission Conference: October 30th at 11:00 am

Microsoft Teams: 

Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 210 265 261 433

Passcode: WMd397


The City of Detroit's Housing and Revitalization Department (HRD) seeks a qualified development team to redevelop the approximately 35,000 square foot space in front of Butzel Playfield at 7737 Kercheval, in the Islandview Neighborhood.

HRD has a preference to see new construction, mixed use, affordable housing, and retail space however, proposals that do not include the preferred uses will still be considered.

The Request for Proposals is available here

An optional Pre-Submission Conference, will take place on Microsoft Teams Monday, November 18th at 1:00 PM.

Submissions are due by January 17th. Please direct all questions via email to [email protected]


Bid Openings for Single Family Home Repair Projects

HRD hosts weekly meetings about bid opportunities on Wednesdays at 10:30 am. These sessions are open to the public and will be recorded. Join using the information below:


Topic: HRD Single Family Bid Openings

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 983 1599 6526

One tap mobile

+12678310333,,98315996526# US (Philadelphia)

+13017158592,,98315996526# US (Germantown)


Meeting ID: 983 1599 6526