East Side Stormwater Resiliency Planning Study
Project Overview
The Detroit Water and Sewerage Department (DWSD) is investigating solutions to manage stormwater from Detroit’s east side to improve the area’s sewer capacity and reduce the risk of future flooding. This project will research previous, current, and future flood mitigation and infrastructure improvement projects on Detroit’s east side. The project will serve both regional and local needs by determining the impact of stormwater removal on the capacity of the combined sewer system and identifying key locations for flood mitigation and stormwater treatment solutions.
A resiliency planning report will be created to summarize the project findings, recommend specific infrastructure improvements, and identify a path for implementation on both small and large-scale stormwater management efforts specific to Detroit’s east side.
The study area includes the East English Village, Fox Creek, Riverbend, Morningside, and a portion of the Cornerstone Village neighborhoods. This area has been prioritized due to historic and recurrent flooding.
This project is a planning study, not a construction project. Through this study, recommended stormwater management strategies will be developed with community input for neighborhood planning and future development.
Project Goals:
The East Side Resiliency Study will focus on strategies to reduce basement flooding while creating community amenities, economic opportunities, and improving water quality of Fox Creek and the surrounding habitat. This study will evaluate the:
Stormwater management options in the project area and identify opportunities to optimize the network;
Feasibility of creating large-scale green stormwater infrastructure within neighborhoods;
Potential for small-scale green stormwater infrastructure opportunities within neighborhoods; and
Environmental impact of stormwater changes on Fox Creek.
Stormwater Management
There are two types of strategies that can be used to manage stormwater: Grey Infrastructure and Green Stormwater Infrastructure.
Grey Infrastructure: Stormwater runoff (rain and snowmelt) is managed with traditional structures such as underground sewers, underground basins, or wastewater or wet weather treatment plants which require pumps, gates, concrete tanks, chemical treatment, odor control, etc.
Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI): An approach to managing stormwater that uses the natural processes such as soil and plants to soak up stormwater where it falls. Examples of GSI include bioretention/rain gardens, bioswales, pervious pavers, and tree boxes.
This study is fully funded through two grants secured by DWSD totaling $660,000. Together, these grants allow for DWSD to advance the study without use of any ratepayer dollars.
$480,000 - High Water Infrastructure Grant through the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE)
$180,000 – Coastal Resilience Grant through the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF)
Project Timeline:
2024: Initial Planning & Research
2025: Public Engagement: Neighborhood and Community Group Meetings
Plan Development
Final Deliverable: East Side Resiliency Plan (December 2025)
Community Engagement & Meetings
DWSD will conduct outreach to engage the community and elicit feedback. Engagement activities may include:
Community meetings
Flyers/door hangers
Educational signage
Questions? Contact Barry Brown at [email protected] or 313-654-5633.
Project Area