DWSD System Plans

DWSD System Plans cover improvements and expansion to both the fresh water and wastewater networks. There are also technical specifications for commercial, industrial and residential plumbing and water drainage systems. Detailed drawings for contractors are housed within this section, as well.

Keeping You in the Flow

Capital Improvement Plans (CIP)

DWSD maintains a Capital Improvement Program that is updated every fiscal year. Contained within the program are Capital Improvement Projects that specifically define the scope, schedule, and costs of infrastructure improvements. Capital Improvement Projects result from the Master Plans.

Master Plans

DWSD's Master Plan covers both our fresh water and wastewater operations for the next 50 years. This takes into account population growth, commercial and industrial needs, as well as the increased cost to maintain such systems. These documents serve as the basis for DWSD's continued mission to deliver the best services to all of the communities we serve. The most recent Water Master Plan was prepared in 2004.

DWSD is championing an update of the Water Master Plan and working with its partners to identify the issues and areas of opportunity for collaborative action. The Water Master Plan update is responsive to both Judge Sean Cox’s order and to the City of Detroit’s financial challenges.


2015 Comprehensive Water Master Plan

National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System

The discharge of water into receiving streams in the United States is regulated through a system known as the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). DWSD has a permit, called a NPDES permit, to discharge water into receiving streams. The program is regulated at the state level by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Environment (MDNRE), and requires routine sampling, monitoring and reporting of the quality and quantity of the discharges to MDNRE.


NPDES Permit