Grixdale Farms Framework Plan

The Planning and Development Department is working to develop a comprehensive neighborhood framework plan that includes the identification of vacant public land landscape, parks, housing redevelopment, corridor economic development, utilization of public vacant land, and neighborhood connectivity for the Grixdale Farms Framework Area.

This project seeks to stabilize the Grixdale Farms Neighborhood by identifying opportunities for improvement of economic development, housing and vacant land strategies, open space, and the ability to move throughout the neighborhood safely and efficiently.

Our Framework Plan Priorities

  • Housing & Vacancy
  • Connectivity
  • Open Space
  • Economic Development
    • Woodward Ave
    • W McNichols Rd
    • 7 Mile Rd
    • John R St

Share Your Thoughts!

We are excited to share an update on the Grixdale Farms Framework Plan! This process began in the fall of 2023 with the goal of creating a comprehensive plan to guide the revitalization of the Grixdale Farms neighborhood. The plan focuses on the strategic use of vacant public land, housing redevelopment, economic growth along key corridors, and improving neighborhood connectivity.

This is your opportunity to provide feedback, share comments, or raise any concerns regarding the plan’s priorities, representation of the neighborhood, and alignment with community expectations. We look forward to hearing your thoughts!

Please follow this link or visit our website for more information!

Grixdale Farms Book Reivew

Feedback Deadline: March 1st, 2025


Grixdale Farms Project Area

Grixdale Farms Project Area


Project Timeline

Grixdale timeline graphic

Schedule of Past Community Meetings