DWSD Contractor Connect Newsletter - September 2020


Welcome to the Contractor Connect! – a quarterly newsletter packed with important information for contractors about the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department (DWSD). Here you will learn about outreach engagement, capital improvement projects, upcoming construction and procurement opportunities.

DWSD Contractor Connect Divider

Our world has changed in many ways since our previous newsletter to the contracting community, and the last time we all met in-person together in January during our Annual Construction Opportunities Business to Business Workshop. The Detroit Water and Sewerage Department (DWSD) has adapted to the changes that have been necessary during the COVID-19 Pandemic and we appreciate the current contractors who have adhered, and sometimes exceeded, the requirements to safely perform our work to upgrade the City of Detroit’s water and sewer systems.

Under the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control and the Detroit Health Department, DWSD and our contractors are using regular COVID-19 testing for workers, daily temperature checks, mask wearing, and social distancing. This not only helps to protect public health, it also sets an example to our community that we continue working hard for Detroiters.

I am a lifelong Detroiter and passionate about moving our city forward for generations to come. We are steadfast in finding ways for all Detroiters to participate in rebuilding our city. We encourage small Detroit and minority-owned contractors to participate in DWSD contracts. This may be through a joint or mentor venture with a prime contractor, or bidding on smaller value contracts. We will accomplish our goal to create opportunities for Detroiters because we have the support of Mayor Mike Duggan, the Detroit City Council and the Board of Water Commissioners.

As you will see in this newsletter, we have contracting opportunities currently advertised and those forthcoming that provide the ability for smaller contractors to participate.

I hope during this time of pandemic and change in our world that you, your employees and your family have and will remain safe and well. Our deepest condolences go to those who have lost loved ones this year.

We look forward to getting together again in January, albeit virtually.

Palencia Mobley, P.E.
Deputy Director & Chief Engineer
Detroit Water & Sewerage Department

DWSD Contractor Connect - Deputy Director & Chief Engineer Palencia Mobley, P.E.

DWSD Deputy Director & Chief Engineer Palencia Mobley, P.E., stands with Mayor Mike Duggan, Councilman Andre Spivey and members of the community at a groundbreaking on March 5, 2020 to launch the City’s first neighborhood-wide projects to upgrade the water and sewer systems. The groundbreaking was held in the Cornerstone Village neighborhood on the city’s eastside.

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COVID-19 Safe Workplace Standards for Construction Sites
The City of Detroit is moving forward on essential construction projects. Like the rest of the country, Detroiters are struggling to live our lives under the threat of COVID-19. That isn’t likely to change for many months to come, but we can make sure to provide the best possible protection for workers on building projects supported by the City.

As a requirement for moving forward on these projects, the City of Detroit will be requiring contractors working on construction projects purchased by the City of Detroit (including through affiliated agencies) to follow the City of Detroit’s COVID-19 Safe Workplace Standards for Construction Sites. Compliance with those standards will be enforced by inspections from the City of Detroit’s Buildings Safety Engineering and Environment Department (BSEED) for building construction, Department of Public Works (DPW) for right of way construction, and Detroit Water and Sewerage Department (DWSD) for water/sewer utility work.

Each contractor will create a COVID-19 Safe Workplace policy appropriate for its worksite and occupation(s) with, at minimum, the following seven elements:

  1. Each contractor must have their staff tested for COVID-19 and may use the test site at the State Fairgrounds. There is a specific number and instructions to follow in the packet.
  2. Anyone on the site must have a negative test dated within two weeks of their arrival to the site.
  3. Daily temperature checks, health screening and monitoring by the contractor is required (See Appendix B of the City of Detroit’s COVID-19 Safe Workplace Standards for Construction Sites).
  4. Provide and ensure that masks and other necessary PPE are in use by their staff.
  5. Ensure workplace distancing and hygiene protocols are in use.
  6. Ensure thorough and frequent cleaning of work-sites, vehicles, and heavy equipment.
  7. Each contractor must update their site safety plans and submit them to the DWSD Project Manager and DWSD Safety Manager, James Yuill at [email protected]. The plan must be approved by the City of Detroit Chief Medical Consultant Robert Dunne. DWSD Safety will coordinate the approval process (See Appendix A of the City of Detroit’s COVID-19 Safe Workplace Standards for Construction Sites).

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DWSD Construction Opportunities Event Coming Soon
We are planning the annual DWSD Construction Opportunities Business to Business Workshop for 2021. The event will be an interactive, information-packed virtual event tentatively slated for January. Stay tuned for details through our email updates. In the meantime, if you missed this year’s event, here’s a brief recap:

  • Deputy Director and Chief Engineer, Palencia Mobley and Monica Daniels, Finance Asset Manager, provided attendees with information around DWSD’s $500 million investment to upgrade the water and sewer systems; the Stormwater Management Program and Lead Service Line Replacement Programs; and the nearly $167 million dedicated to improvements in fiscal year 2021.
  • Kari Farina, Contract Analyst, shared her expertise and guided attendees through the vendor registration process on the Michigan Inter-governmental Trade Network (MITN).
  • We gave contractors the floor to ask burning questions during a Fireside Chat. The open dialogue encouraged network partnerships between attendees while also helping smaller companies understand how they can participate on projects.

DWSD Contractor Connect - 2020 Workshop Recap


Check out these links:

DWSD Contractor Connect - Upcoming Opportunities

DWSD will have the following procurement opportunities available. Be sure to lookout for bid notifications. If you are not on our email distribution list, send us your name, company name, and email address, then start looking for email updates.

  • CS-1921 - Task Order Design Service
  • DWS-917 - Sewer Improvements in Riverdale Neighborhood
  • DWS-918 - Sewer Improvements in Rosedale Park Neighborhood
  • DWS-920 - Inspection, Rehabilitation and Replacement of Sewers – As needed in the City of Detroit
  • DWS-926 - Sewer Condition Assessment Services in West Village, Southwest Detroit and Michigan-Martin
  • TBD - Field Inspection Services
  • TBD - Tree Removal Services
  • TBD - CCTV
  • WS-720 - Watermain Replacement
  • PC-808 - West Warren (Constance at Rouge Park/ Tireman Sawyer PH III) - this project includes both green infrastructure and watermain replacement work

For information, contact procurement at [email protected].

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