صيانة سجلات الأراضي

3. كيف أطلب تقسيم أو مجموعة من الطرد (الطرود) الخاصة بي؟
2. How do I submit my parcel modification request?

Parcel Revision Application and documentation can be submitted in person at the Detroit Taxpayer Service Center (DTSC), 2 Woodward Avenue, Suite 130, Detroit, MI 48226, or by emailing the completed parcel revision application and scanned documents (photos will not be accepted) to:  [email protected]

3. What are the requirements for all parcel modification requests?
  • Parcels must not have any unpaid Property or Personal Property taxes, water bills or property tax liens.
  • All taxes and fees assessed on any involved parcel must remain current until resultant parcels take effect.
  • Written approval on official letterhead from mortgagor and/or lienholders must be provided, when applicable.
  • Parcels must not have an open Michigan Tax Tribunal (MTT) case.
  • To combine properties purchased from the Detroit Land Bank Authority within the last 5 years with parcels that were not, a 5/50 waiver must be provided. Please contact Detroit Land Bank Client Services at (313)974-6869 or [email protected] to request waiver(s).
  • Parcels must not have a Special Assessment or PILOT (with the exception of NEZ-Hs and DLBA Purchases with waivers).
  • Exemption status and type must be consistent for all parcels.
  • Resultant parcels subject to Zoning requirements (Detroit City Code – Chapter 50 – Intensity and Dimensional Standards).
4. I submitted a parcel modification request for review. Can I transfer ownership?

There must not be any transfer of ownership while the parcel modification is under review.

5. When would the parcel revision request go into effect?

The parcel revision application must be approved by December 31st (Tax Day) to go into effect for the following year.

6. How long does the parcel revision process take?

The Parcel Revision Application may take up to 45 days to be reviewed.   

All taxes, fees, and water bills must be paid in full on all involved parcels before division applications are sent to the Law Department for review, and combination applications are processed. 

Until the new parcel(s) become effective, property tax bills may be issued using the parent parcel number(s) and all bills must be paid timely to avoid issues with processing of the application. 

7. How long will incomplete parcel revision applications be held?

You may be asked for additional documentation for the application to be considered complete.  Incomplete applications will be held for one year. After one year, a new application must be filed.

4. هل يمكنني تقسيم الدوبلكس الخاص بي إلى قطعتين؟

نعم ، ولكن سيتطلب معظمها تباينًا في الحد الأدنى لحجم اللوت من خلال طعون مجلس تقسيم المناطق: https://detroitmi.gov/government/boards/board-zoning-appeals

1. كيف أحصل على مسح للعقار الخاص بي؟

يمكنك العثور على مساحين مرخصين للتعيين في جمعية ميتشيغان للمساحين المحترفين هنا: https://www.misps.org/

2. لدي نزاع حول سياج أو خط حدودي مع جاري ؛ كيف أتعامل معها؟
5. كيف أحصل على عنوان جديد / إضافي؟

6. أين يمكنني الحصول على نسخة من السند؟

في سجل مقاطعة واين للأحكام: https://www.waynecounty.com/elected/deeds/home.aspx