
معلومات المنافع

الوصول إلى هذا الموقع لمزيد من المعلومات حول الفوائد.

معلومات الموظف

استحقاقات الموظفين

معلومات الاتصال بقسم المنافع

يرجى الاتصال الفوائد ، انظر معلومات الاتصال أدناه

  1. عبر الإنترنت على www.mydetroitbenefits.com ، متاح على مدار 24 ساعة في اليوم.
  2. عبر الهاتف على (855) 224-6200 ، (أو) يمكنك زيارة مكتب المزايا في Suite 304 ، الطابق الثالث ، CAYMC (Coleman A. Young Building)
بمن أتصل بخصوص متأخرات الاستحقاقات؟

يرجى الاتصال الفوائد ، انظر معلومات الاتصال أدناه
عبر الإنترنت على www.mydetroitbenefits.com ، متاح على مدار 24 ساعة في اليوم.
عبر الهاتف على (855) 224-6200 ، (أو) يمكنك زيارة مكتب المزايا في Suite 304 ، الطابق الثالث ، CAYMC (Coleman A. Young Building)

Benefits Office location

Suite 304, 3rd floor, CAYMC

Who do I contact for COBRA coverage information?

Please Contact Benefits, see contact information below

  1. Online at www.mydetroitbenefits.com, available 24-hours a day.
  2. By phone at (855) 224-6200,
I need letter regarding health insurance coverage for Michigan Auto Insurance?

The carriers now create those letters for us so you will need to contact your healthcare carrier to request it. They usually get it emailed to you the same day.

Open Enrollment for Benefits: When is Annual open enrollment for benefits

Normally Annual open enrollment for benefits occurs in the second half of October. You can contact Benefits Administration Service Center at 855-224-6200 regarding open enrollment or in the event you have a life event such as Marriage, Birth of a Child, Divorce, etc. Each year Benefits Administration sends an Open Enrollment Package to employees and also sends email communication with instructions on how to enroll and the timeline. You can log into the benefits administration website at www.mydetroitbenefits.com to enroll or to view for more information.

My address changed and my health insurance provider states they do not have my address. What should I do?

Make sure your address is up to date in Ultipro, you can update using Ultipro self-service. Then Contact Benefits administration at 855-224-6200 and speak to a representative. Also make sure you address is up to date in ultipro.

Deferred Compensation

Contact Craig Love at Benefits Department. You can find more information on this link. https://intranet.detroitmi.gov/departments/employee-benefits

Annuity Plan

Contact Craig Love at Benefits Department. You can find more information on this link. https://intranet.detroitmi.gov/departments/employee-benefits

I am retired or am retiring and I need Medicare forms filled out by the employer, who do I contact?

Contact Benefits at 855-224-6200 or visit Benefit office at Suite 304, 3rd floor, CAYMC