ندوة مجتمعية افتراضية للمنطقة الثانية لمجلس مدينة ديترويت
ندوة مجتمعية افتراضية للمنطقة الثانية لمجلس مدينة ديترويت
أنجيلا ويتفيلد كالواي هي معلمة سابقة لتعليم الكبار ، ومسؤولة عن الموارد البشرية ، ومسؤولة سمع ، ومخرجة ديترويت مدى الحياة. لقد دافعت دائمًا عن جودة التعليم ، والأحياء الأكثر أمانًا ونظافة ، ونوعية حياة أفضل لمن هم ناقص التمثيل في ديترويت وعلى وجه التحديد في المنطقة 2. ويتفيلد كالواي ملتزمة بضمان الاستماع إلى قضايا وشواغل المنطقة 2 ومعالجتها. بغض النظر عن مدى صعوبة القرارات ، لن يتم اتخاذها جميعًا في مصلحة السكان في المنطقة 2.
Council Member Angela Whitfield Calloway shares statement with questions regarding solar farms and Detroit Zoning Code on July 16, 2024.
Downloadable PDF for Proposed 2024-2025 City Council Budget Hearings.
This document illustrates how funds were spent and programmed from 2021 and 2022 as of October 2022. Review the document to see how the city
Revised City Council Budget Hearing Schedule as of April 4, 2022
*Hearings are subject to change
Provide your information to receive updates and announcements about what's happening in District 2 from the Office of Council Member Whitfield Calloway.
Council Member Angela Whitfield Calloway shares a statement regarding the E-Scooter Regulation Ordinance during Public Health and Safety Standing Committee on Monday, February 20, 2023.
Council Member Angela Whitfield Calloway expresses support of Senate Bills 567 and 568 and House Bill 5098 regarding proposed legislation to support students with dyslexia on July 16, 2024.
Council Member Angela Whitfield Calloway expressed her support for Governor Gretchen Whitmer's "Pre-K for All" Plan during Formal Session on Tuesday, May 21, 2024.
Council Member Angela Whitfield Calloway shares a statement regarding Child Abuse Prevention Month on May 7, 2024.
Council Member Angela Whitfield Calloway shares a statement concerning the Rise in Syphilis Cases and Declaring April as “Syphilis Awareness Month” on February 13, 2024.
Council Member Angela Whitfield Calloway's statement regarding the Future of Health Transformational Brownfield Project on Tuesday, February 27, 2024.