Sewer Improvements Project Near Riverside Park
Project Overview
The Detroit Water and Sewerage Department (DWSD) is working to mitigate flooding and improve the water quality of the Detroit River. This is being done by prioritizing projects that will reduce stormwater flows into the combined sewer system.
During storm events, rain runs off from buildings and pavement into the City of Detroit’s combined sewer system. During larger storms the sewer system can get overwhelmed, and a portion of this untreated combined sewage is released into the river. The release is called a combined sewer overflow (CSO). Eliminating combined sewer outfalls helps to attain regional goals for sewer infrastructure and improve water quality within the lakes and streams of southeast Michigan.
In addition to water quality benefits, this project creates capacity within the regional system – serving Detroit and several communities – by removing stormwater flow, which adds to overall system resiliency and will help reduce the occurrences of overflows and basement backups.
These improvements are taking place near Riverside Park and include the following:
Installation of 3,160 feet of new sanitary sewer
Elimination of two combined sewer overflows
Approximately 3/4 of a mile of roadway upgrades resulting from sewer pipe installation
Project Goals:
The main objectives of this project are to:
Provide additional capacity to the combined sewer system;
Reduce the amount of stormwater entering the system; and
Convert CSO outfalls at West Grand Boulevard and Swain Avenue to stormwater only outfalls into the Detroit River.
This improvement will have a direct impact on the neighborhood by reducing street flooding and basement backups.
Funding is provided through a collaboration with the Great Lakes Water Authority and the City of Centerline. No DWSD local rate dollars will be utilized for this specific project.
Project Timeline:
- 2024:
- Project Design
- 2025:
- Community Engagement
- Construction (Spring - Fall)
Community Engagement & Meetings
In Fall 2024, DWSD team members canvassed and surveyed residents and businesses within the project area to collect private sewer system data.
DWSD will conduct outreach to engage the community regarding upcoming construction. Engagement activities may include:
Community meetings
Flyers/door hangers
Educational signage
Join the email list to receive project updates
Send your name and email address to DWSD Public Affairs with the subject line "Sewer Improvements Near Riverside Park."
Questions? Contact Barry Brown at [email protected] or 313-654-6533
Project Area