Conference Frequently Asked Questions

Curtis Randolph Fire Boat



1. When and where is the conference taking place?
The Detroit Fire Department Professional Development Conference is scheduled to take place on July 11-12, 2024 at The DoubleTree Fort Shelby in Downtown Detroit.


2. Who can attend the conference?
The conference is open to Fire and Medical leadership as well as service professionals. This includes firefighters, paramedics, officers, and administrative staff members. We encourage everyone to participate and take advantage of the valuable learning and networking opportunities provided.


3. What is the purpose of the conference?
The primary purpose of the Detroit Fire Department Professional Development Conference is to enhance the knowledge, skills, and abilities of fire/medical personnel. The conference aims to provide a platform for professional growth, sharing of best practices, and the exploration of new technologies and methodologies in the field of firefighting and emergency medical response.


4. What topics will be covered during the conference?
The conference will feature a wide range of topics relevant to the fire service. Some of the key areas that will be covered include:

  • Firefighting Techniques and Strategies
  • Emergency Medical Services and Patient Care
  • Community Engagement and Public Education
  • Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI)
  • Leadership and Management Skills
  • Mental Health and Wellness
  • Emerging Technology
  • Fire Investigation

These topics have been carefully selected to address the needs and interests of our diverse workforce and to provide valuable insight into the latest advancements in the emergency response industry.


5. Will there be any opportunities for networking and collaboration?
Yes, the conference will offer several opportunities for networking and collaboration. In addition to the informative sessions and workshops, there will be designated breaks and social events, including a welcome banquet, where attendees can connect with fellow firefighters, officers, and industry professionals. These networking opportunities can foster relationships, promote knowledge sharing, and create a sense of camaraderie among the participants.