Detroit home values increased an average of 19% in 2024; Individual tax increases capped at 3.1%, Detroit homeowners gained $1.4 billion in wealth in 2024 from appreciating property values, the second largest in history

  • 99% of neighborhoods saw values increase compared to 2023 (206 of 208)
  • 9th straight year of home value increases in Detroit
  • Homeowners protected by 3.1% cap on tax increases this year 
  • Homeowners will start receiving notices of proposed assessment change this week; it is not a tax bill 
  • Any property owner or renter who’s obligated to pay property taxes and/or has a rental agreement or lease may appeal their proposed assessments until February 22
  • Property owner or their agent can choose to go directly to the March Board of Review

Detroit homeowners gained $1.4 billion in new wealth in 2024 from the appreciation in the value of their houses, marking the second largest gain in the city’s history. 99% of all residential neighborhoods saw an increase, Mayor Mike Duggan announced today.    

Based on home sales data from the past two years, homeowners saw an average increase in home value of 19% compared to 2023 values.  That rise in value will be reflected in an annual notice of proposed property assessment changes for 2025, which will begin arriving in mailboxes this week. 

Values soar, taxes capped

While the assessed value of homes has increased significantly this year, homeowners are protected under Michigan’s constitution from large tax increases. Any home purchased prior to 2024 that gained value would see a property tax increase of 3.1% or less compared to last year’s rate. When a home changes ownership, the cap is lifted, and the taxable amount adjusts to the State Equalized Value the year following the transfer and is protected by the cap in following years as long as it remains in the same ownership. 

Another year of historic increases in value 

The rise in residential property value in the past year was so significant that the value of all residential property in Detroit grew by $1.4 billion compared to last year, the second largest single-year increase on record. The largest increase occurred in 2023, when overall home values grew by $1.7 billion.

The average Detroit homeowner has seen their property values more than triple since 2017.  Detroit homeowners’ value grew from $2.8 billion to $10.1 billion in that time: 

Total value of all Detroit residential property   

2017                         $2.8 billion 

2018                         $3.0 billion 

2019                         $3.4 billion 

2020                         $4.2 billon 

2021                         $4.5 billion 

2022                         $5.9 billon 

2023                         $7.0 billon 

2024                         $8.7 billon 

2025                         $10.1 billion

“This is a day for the Detroiters who stayed when values were dropping.” said Mayor Duggan. “Because they held on to their homes and helped strengthen their neighborhoods, they are now building significant generational wealth for their families.” 

Nearly every neighborhood in Detroit saw home value appreciation in 2025.  Some examples of neighborhood value increases include:  

  • District 1: Brightmoor, 26.43% 
  • District 2: Martin Park/Pilgrim Village, 25.73%
  • District 3: Buffalo/Charles, 61.26%
  • District 4: Gratiot/Mack, 29.32%
  • District 5: Pingree Park, 51.28% 
  • District 6: Chadsey, 32.31%
  • District 7: Northwest Community, 38.66%

Market sales determine assessed value 

To determine this year’s assessment, the city examined over 16,100 market sales across two years (April 1, 2022, through March 31, 2024) to compute the proposed 2025 Assessments. The Office of the Assessor also reviews aerial and street level imagery of properties to determine valuation. Below is a breakdown of this year’s assessed residential value changes across the city’s 209 neighborhoods:  

  • 5 out of 208 neighborhoods (2%) had an increase in value over 50% 
  • 13 out of 208 neighborhoods (6%) had an increase in value ranging from 30% to 49% 
  • 164 out of 208 neighborhoods (78%) had an increase in value ranging from 15% to 29% 
  • 13 out of 208 neighborhoods (6%) had an increase in value ranging from 10% to 15% 
  • 6 out of 208 neighborhoods (3%) had an increase in value ranging from 5% to 9% 
  • 8 out of 208 neighborhoods (4%) had an increase in value under 2%

“Another year of increased home value in nearly every neighborhood is significant as it continues to provide greater stability not only for neighborhoods but also for the City’s financial outlook,” said Chief Financial Officer, Jay Rising. 

Detroit home values increased pic1
Mayor Duggan is joined by City Council President, Mary Sheffield, and Council members, Fred Durhal III and Coleman Young, II for the announcement of the historic rise in residential property values.
Detroit home values increased pic2
Homeowner Grace Moore joined by her husband, Francois from the College Park neighborhood talk about how their home value has increased exponentially since purchasing in 2011 while their property taxes have remained low.


Property owners to receive revamped proposed assessment notices  

Notices have been mailed to the City’s over 308,000 residential, commercial, industrial, and personal property owners, advising them of their proposed assessments for 2024. These are not tax bills. Actual bills will be mailed out at the end of June (summer) and November (winter) by the City of Detroit’s Office of the Treasury.   

For the second, residents are receiving are revamped assessment notices that are in accordance with the Property Tax Reform ordinance passed by City Council last year. Notices are in larger print and have much more information about the assessment appeals process.   

Deadline for assessment appeals extended  

Under State law, property owners have the right to appeal the proposed changes. The proposed 2025 Assessments are tentative until the completion of the local review period in March and any possible changes from the Wayne County Assessment and Equalization Department in April. 

Residents will have three weeks to appeal all assessments; the City of Detroit has permanently extended the Assessor Review from February 1 through February 22, Monday through Saturday. The Assessors Review appeal process encourages all property owners to take advantage of their right to question how their property is valued during this time.  

Some eligible tenants may also appeal 

City Ordinance has expanded the type of person who may consider themselves harmed by an assessment and make a complaint before the City’s Board of Assessors. In addition to persons liable to be taxed and therefore on the assessment roll, such as the owner, or that person’s agent, other persons with certain documented financial or legal interests may file a complaint with the Board of Assessors. Required documentation may include a lease agreement assigning responsibility for paying the property taxes to the person, a receipt showing or an affidavit attesting that the individual paid a portion of the property taxes in a preceding year, a land contract in the person’s name, or any other document proving a financial interest in the property.   

How to file an appeal 

Anyone with questions regarding their assessment, may email the Assessor’s office at [email protected]. Appeals can be submitted online, by letter, or in person. Property owners can also submit their appeal in person Monday-Thursday, 8:00a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Coleman A. Young Municipal Center, in the Detroit Taxpayer Service Center Suite 130. Anyone wishing to address the Office of the Assessor in person will have the opportunity to do so via teleconferencing or by appointment.     

To file an appeal online, visit (available February 1 through 22 by 4:30 p.m.). To file an appeal by mail (must be postmarked to the Office of the Assessor by February 22, 2025) send to: 

City of Detroit 

Office of the Assessor – ABOR 

2 Woodward Ave Suite 804 

Detroit MI 48226 

The City of Detroit March Board of Review begins March 5th and ends March 29th.  Any property owner or their agent who wishes to present to the Detroit Board of Review will have that opportunity. A completed petition to the March Board of Review must be filed by March 11, 2025, 4:30 p.m. to schedule a hearing. Teleconferencing is encouraged.   

Commercial, Industrial, and Personal Property owners may, appeal to the March Board of Review, or if they chose, proceed directly to the Michigan Tax Tribunal. The deadline to appeal directly to the Michigan Tax Tribunal is May 31st. 

Help with property taxes for those in need 

Through the Homeowners Property Tax Exemption (HOPE) program, homeowners can qualify for 10%, 25%, 50%, 75%, or a 100% reduction in property taxes, depending on household income. The deadline to apply is November 1, 2025. For more information on HOPE, go to