Ordenes Ejecutivas
Executive Orders
Executive Order No. 2025-01 Declaration of Local State of Emergency In the Vicinity of Beard and Rowan Streets
Executive Order No. 2025-02 Establishment of the City of Detroit Women's Commission
Executive Order No. 2024-01 Establishment of the City of Detroit Women's Commission
Executive Order No.- 2024-02 Utilization of Detroit Residents on Publicly-Funded Construction and Demotion / Rehab Projects
Executive Order 2022-01: Extension of moratorium on applications for permits, licenses, and/or appeals for new or expanded junkyards, scrap tire processing and recycling facilities, scrap tire storage facilities, used tire sales, and service adding tow service storage yards.
Executive Order 2022-02: Extension of virtual public participation at open meetings
Executive Order 2022-03: Extension of moratorium on applications for permits, licenses, and/or appeals for new or expanded junkyards, scrap tire processing and recycling facilities, scrap tire storage facilities, used tire sales and service, and adding tow service storage yards.
Executive Order 2022-04 Beginning August 26, 2022, all sworn police officers properly assigned to overtime work shall be credited at double time for the purpose of determining their overtime compensation
Executive Order 2022-05 Extension of Moratorium on application for permits, licenses, and/or appeals for new or expanded junkyards, scrap tire processing, and recycling facilities, scrap tire storage facilities, used tire sales and service and tow service storage yards.
Executive Order 2022-06 Extension of Moratorium on applications for permits, licenses, and /or appeals for new or expanded junkyards scrap tire processing and recycling facilities, scrap tire storage facilities, used tire sales and service, and tow service storage yards.
Executive Order 2020 -1a: Moratorium on applications for permits and/or licenses for off-premises advertising signage
Executive Order 2020 - 1b: Hazard Bonus Pay for First Responders & Public-Facing
Employees Related to Covid-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic.Executive Order 2020 - 2: Declaration of local emergency and temporary mandate to maintain public safety
Executive Order 2020 - 3: Rescission of Executive Order 2020-1: Hazard Bonus Pay
Executive Order 2020 -4: Extension of moratorium on applications for permits and/or licenses for off-premises advertising signage
Executive Order 2020-5: Utilization of Detroit residents on publicly-funded construction projects
Executive Order 2021 -01: Extension of moratorium on applications for permits and/or licenses for new or expanded junkyards, scrap tire processing and recycling facilities, scrap tire storage facilities, major and minor motor vehicle repair, used car sales lots, and used tire sales and service
Executive Order 2021-02: Utilization of Detroit residents on publicly-funded construction and demolition/rehab projects
Executive Order 2021-03 Declaration of Local State of Emergency At Fort And Dearborn Street
Executive Order 2019 - 1a: Moratorium on applications for permits and/or licenses for new or expanded junkyards, scrap tire processing and recycling facilities, scrap tire storage facilities, major and minor motor vehicle repair, and used care sales lots
Executive Order 2019 -1b: City of Detroit records management policy
- 2018-10-19: Executive Order 2016-1: Definition of Term Construction as it Relates to Executive order 2016-1
Executive Order 2016 - 1: Utilization of Detroit residents on publicly-funded construction projects
Executive Order 2015 - 1: Policy regarding submissions by executive branch agencies to city council
Executive Order 2013 - 1: Reduction of hours for non-union executive branch appointees and employees
Executive Order 2012 - 1: Policy concerning employee fraternization
Executive Order 2010 - 1: Violence in the workplace
Executive Order 2010 - 2: Internal policy against discrimination and harassment
Executive Order 2011 - 1: Service and timekeeping policies during periods of adverse weather or other unusual operating conditions
Executive Order 2011 - 2: Continued reduction of hours for non-union executive branch appointees and employees
Executive Order 2011 - 3: Continued reduction of hours for non-union executive branch appointees and employees
Executive Order 2011 - 4: Termination of reduction of hours for non-union executive branch appointees and employees
Executive Order 2009 - 1: Continued temporary moratorium on new and pending zoning applications for adult uses
Executive Order 2009 - 3: Reduction of hours for non-union executive branch appointees and employees
Executive Order 2009 - 5: Continued temporary moratorium on new and pending zoning applications for adult uses
Executive Order 2008 - 2: Stationery/Print Materials
Executive Order 2008 - 5: Continued Temporary moratorium on new and pending zoning applications for adult uses