Treasury Clearances

What is a Treasury Clearance?

A Treasury Clearance validates that individuals and businesses do not owe money to the City of Detroit.

We check:

  • Income Taxes
    • Have you filed all required returns?
    • Have you paid all amounts due?
    • Have you paid and filed withholding for your employees?
  • Current Year Property Taxes
  • Blight Tickets
  • Outstanding invoices for:
    • Fire Inspection Fees
    • Other accounts receivable
  • Delinquent Personal Property Taxes
  • For a Personal Property Tax Number


Who needs a Treasury Clearance?

All Detroit-based businesses that need a business license, and those individuals and businesses who conduct business within the city of Detroit or directly with the City of Detroit.

  • Do you need a business license?
  • Are you a vendor or a prospective vendor of the City?
  • Are you seeking a Detroit Based Certification?
  • Are you a contractual City employee?
  • Are you a Casino worker?

If you answer YES to any of the above, you need a Treasury Clearance


How do you get a Treasury Clearance?
  1. Gather your information
    1. Company name, address and tax ID number
    2. Tax filing type (individual, corporation or partnership)
    3. Get your Personal Property Tax ID. You must have this in order to apply for a clearance. 
      o    Phone: (313) 224-3025
      o    Email: [email protected]
    4. Do you have employees? If yes, do they receive a 1099 or W2 from you?
    5. How long you have worked within Detroit city limits or worked with the City of Detroit governmental entity? If you have not yet started when do you plan to?
  2. Fill out the application in the link below.

Note: The application should be completed by someone who is familiar with your entity and who has authorization to receive tax information. Preferably an owner/principal with knowledge of the tax structure.

  • Select either an individual or business application: 
    • Individual
    • Business - the business application will allow you to pick the type of business you’re applying for (see below for more information on each business type) 
      • Corporation
      • Partnership
      • Sole Proprietor/Single Member LLC
      • Limited Liability Company (LLC)
      • Nonprofit
      • Estates/Trusts
  • You will need to complete two components that will be accessible through the application. 

Note: Both components are required to complete your application.
Component 1 – Application
Component 2 – A Docusign form to securely submit your EIN or SSN


What happens after you submit your application?
  1. The Clearances team will process your application. Status updates are sent within 7-10 business days.  Consistent with the automatic email applicants receive from Smartsheet and is the accurate timeframe.
  2. If you are missing income tax returns or have an amount due to the City, your application will be denied. You will receive an email with the status of your clearance and information on how to remedy the denial.
  3. If all returns have been filed and no amounts are due, you will be approved. You will receive an email notifying you of approval.
  4. If you believe that you’ve received a denial in error, contact us!



A person who is looking to do business with the City of Detroit but is not applying on behalf of a business. All residents of the city are required to submit an individual income tax return and all non-residents who earn income in the city are required to submit a return.  See Individual Clearance Application below.


Includes Corporation, Partnership, Sole Proprietor/Single Member LLC, Limited Liability Company, Nonprofit, Estate/Trusts. See Business Clearance Application below.


An approved Demolition Clearance Application is one of the items needed by the Buildings & Safety Department/Demolition Office to prevent a structure from being demolished. This online application is processed within 48 hours from receipt of application.  Below are the required documents that must be uploaded with the online clearance application:

  1. Copy of Owner Driver’s License/State ID
  2. Copy of Representative Driver's License/State ID, if applicable
  3. Copy of Registered Deed,
  4. Receipt from BSEED for Inspection

If you have any additional questions please contact:

Clearance Unit 

(313) 224-3560

[email protected]