neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate Applications for the construction of two new single family houses at 2966 and 2970 Ashland in the Far East Side Neighborhood
2025-26 Community Development Block Grant/Neighborhood Opportunity Fund porgram schedule and Hearing/Appeals Notice (RESOLUTION FOR CONSIDERATION).
Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate Application for the rehabilitation of a house at 284 Erskine into 5 rental units in the Crosswinds (Woodward Place) Neighborhood Enterprise
Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate Application for the rehabilitation of a historic apartment building with 133 rental units at 700 Seward Avenue within the Woodward-Seward Neighborhood
The request of 5975 16th Street, LLC to rezone the property located at 5975 16th Street where an R2 (Two-Family Residential) zoning classification is shown
The request of 5807 Toledo LLC to rezone the property located at 5807 Toledo where an R2 (Two-Family Residential) zoning classification is shown to an