Special Benefits Program for 2009-2016 Homeowners


Issues have been raised about the accuracy of Detroit homeowner assessments from the period 2009-2016. Rather than require individual homeowners to prove overassessment, City Council unanimously approved a resolution to benefit all qualified homeowners during that period. As a result, a new initiative was launched to offer SPECIAL BENEFITS within existing City programs, such as PREFERRED ACCESS, AWARD INCREASES, DISCOUNTS  and MORE, to current Detroit residents who owned a home during 2009-2016.​ ​

What are the Criteria to Qualify for the Special Benefits Program:
  • Owned a home prior to 2009​
  • Owned the home from 2009 until 2016, unless it was sold or lost to foreclosure during that time
  • Had a Principal Residence Exemption (PRE) effective during all years of ownership​
  • Currently live in Detroit​ ​

How to Qualify for the Special Benefits Program​ in 3 Easy Steps!

Submit: Submit your contact information and 2009 address​

Stand By: Program verifies your eligibility and calls you directly for next steps​

Choose: Affected Homeowners, choose your special benefit by December 2024!​ ​ ​

(option 5) M-F 8am-6pm, Sat 9am-Noon

Questions? We're here to help!

What are the special benefits? 

Once deemed eligible, an Affected Homeowner can choose one of the following partner's special benefits (all subject to program eligibility and availability):​

Partners and Special Benefits – Choose One PLUS the Human Resource Department Benefit
Detroit Land Bank Authority (DLBA)
  • Up to 50% discount on an Auction Program Home
  • Up to 50% discount on a BuyBack Program Home​
  • Up to 50% discount on a Side-Lot Program Property​
City of Detroit – Human Resource Department - ALREADY INCLUDED
  • +10 points added to City job application score​
Grow Detroit's Young Talent Program
  • Preferential access for 14-24 y/o children and grandchildren of Affected Homeowners​
City of Detroit – Preferential Access for one Housing and Revitalization Department (HRD) Program:
  • 0% Home Repair Loan​
  • Down Payment Assistance – relaunching in 2024
  • Renew Detroit – applications closed as of 2024
  • Senior Emergency Repair – waitlist closed as of 2024​
  • Detroit Housing Services​
Detroit At Work
  • Preferential access to D@W job search, career services and financial counseling services*​
  • Assigned special, designated career coach to leverage non-workforce program components*​
Motor City Match, Small business launcher
  • 20% increase in maximum financial or TA award – must apply by August 2024​​
Any Tax Abated Development
  • Preferential access to purchase or lease​​​

How will I know if I am an Affected Homeowner?​

Submit your contact information and 2009 address – We'll walk your through the eligibility process!

What if I don't qualify? ​

The Customer Service Team can help! There may be additional documents that could qualify you. If not, don't worry - The program can also help you and your family find other resources that you are eligible for!​

Need help submitting? ​

Call the Detroit Housing Resource Help Line at 866-313-2520, option 5​
M-F 8am - 6pm
Sat 9am - Noon

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City Council Pro Tem