Spring is in the air, City of Detroit yard waste collection begins Monday, March 31

  • Residents can set out bagged or bundled leaves and brush for curbside pickup
  • Yard waste will continue to be collected on a weekly basis until December 19
  • Collection will continue for 38 weeks
  • Residents asked not to set out yard waste prior to collection date 


The City of Detroit Department of Public Works curbside yard waste collection begins Monday, March 31 and will continue for 38 weeks until December 19. Collection will continue on a weekly basis. Residents are asked to not set out their yard waste until the night before their next scheduled trash day after the March 31 resumption of yard waste collection. Since the City approved a new contract last year, contractors now collect household trash, recycling, bulk trash and yard waste every week on each neighborhood's scheduled trash collection day.

Residents can place grass clippings, leaves, and small twigs that are no more than two inches in diameter in biodegradable paper bags on their scheduled collection day. Branches and twigs that are up to four feet in length and no more than four inches in diameter, should be bundled and tied securely and placed at the curb. Please note, individual bundles should not weigh more than 60 pounds.

When placing bagged yard waste at the curb, it should be at least six feet from the city garbage container or in a personal garbage container that is clearly labeled “yard waste” on two sides of the container. The City’s contractors, Waste Management and Priority Waste, will not collect yard waste in plastic bags. DPW also offers affordable paid curbside pickup for bulk and yard waste that exceed the City’s collection limits. Call 313-876-0004 to request a quote.

If yard waste must be disposed of immediately, residents are encouraged to take their yard waste to any of the free drop-off locations below:

LOCATION                                                                                     HOURS OF OPERATION

Southfield Yard, 12255 Southfield Service Drive                            Mon – Sat, 8am-6pm

Davison Yard, 8221 W. Davison Ave.                                              Mon – Sat, 8am-6pm

Fons Transfer Station, 6451 E. McNichols Rd                                 Mon – Fri, 8am-4pm; Sat 8am-1pm


Residents can find out their next yard waste collection date by visiting detroitmi.gov and typing their address into the "My Home Info" search field. 

For additional information about collection schedules or to report concerns, residents should call their assigned contractor:

  • East and Southwest Detroit residents should call Priority Waste at (855) 927-8365. 

  • Westside residents should call Waste Management at (844) 233-8764.

For Illegal Dumping / Excessive Debris, please call (313) 876-0426.

Additionally, residents can sign up to receive weekly reminders by subscribing to the free DPW text messaging service. Residents can text their address to 313-800-7905.