Marijuana Licensing Appeal

Marijuana License Applicants who receive an adverse ruling from the Buildings, Safety Engineering, and Environmental Department (BSEED) may file an Appeal with the City of Detroit Administrative Appeals Bureau as set forth in the Detroit City Code, and in accordance with rules and procedures published by the Department of Appeal and Hearings (DAH).

To initiate an Appeal to the DAH, the proper documentation and fees must be filed. If you are not certain as to the proper fling and appellate procedures, it may be to your advantage to consult an attorney for assistance. The DAH does not provide legal assistance.


The DAH is currently accepting appeals related to the following:

•    Adult-Use/Recreational Marijuana Licensing

•    Medical Marijuana Licensing 


Please review the information sheet below prior to initiating your Appeal.

1.     Information Sheet- BSEED Marijuana Licensing
2.    Right to Appeal Form – BSEED Marijuana Licensing
3.    Claim of Appeal Form – BSEED Marijuana Licensing