ONLINE - Pay by eCheck or credit card* on the - Select the "PAY" tab then select "Property Taxes" then enter your address or parcel number (include the period or dash based on your parcel)
KIOSK - Pay with cash, check (no money orders or cashiers checks) or credit card at DivDat kiosk located in your neighborhood. See list of kiosk locations on the back of the flyer or go to ((include the period or dash based on your parcel)
DivDat MOBILE APP - Pay by eCheck or credit card*. Download the DivDat mobile app from your smartphone's app store. (include the period or dash based on your parcel)
MAIL - Send check, money order or cashier's check, along with your payment coupon to City of Detroit- Property Tax Department, PO Box 33193 Detroit, Ml 48232-3193. Payment with enclosed coupon must be received by the due date to be considered timely.
PHONE - Pay by credit card*, call 1-855-894-2400.
CITYHALL (Payment Center) - Detroit Taxpayer Service Center - Hours of operation are Monday through Thursday, 8am – 4:30pm and Friday 8am - 12:00pm by phone only. Person-to-person tax payments are no longer accepted at City Hall. All payments at City Hall will be made using kiosks. There are kiosks located in the Electronic Payment Center (Suite 154), behind the Spirit of Detroit at the Woodward entrance and in the main lobby .
*Additional fees will be applied to all credit and debit card transactions.
10 or fewer - Pay by eCheck or credit card* on the web at - Select the "PAY" tab then select "Property Taxes". Add your properties to your cart and make a single payment.
11 or more - Pay via ACH/Wire using AutoAgent. It's the easiest way to pay many properties at once! For more information about AutoAgent go to
Note: You only need a bill when paying by mail. All other methods have a "look-up" feature.
For more information, please contact our Detroit Taxpayer Service Center at 313- 224-3560 or [email protected]