Media Services Department

We show you your city. 

The Media Services Department is responsible for telling Detroit’s stories. The department uses the latest multimedia technology to produce informative and engaging content for Detroiters through television, social media, web and print.

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Our Purpose

The Media Services Department is an experienced creative team with one goal: Tell Detroit’s story.

From concept to conclusion, the Media Services Department uses the latest multimedia technology to produce heightened messaging through a variety of outlets.

Through television, print, and web, Media Services delivers useful, timely, and accurate information to the citizens of the great City of Detroit. The City of Detroit is always changing, which makes the message its residents receive that much more important.

Telecommunications Permitting

The Media Services Department handles permitting of telecommunications providers that seek to obtain access to and ongoing use of the City’s rights-of-way for telecommunications facilities.

Telecommunications providers seeking access to the City of Detroit’s rights-of-way must first obtain and file a Metropolitan Extension Telecommunications Rights-of-Way (METRO Act) permit application along with a $500 application fee with the Media Services Department.

Permit applications will be approved or denied within 45 days from the filing date. Detroit’s telecommunications ordinance and the State of Michigan’s Metropolitan Extension Telecommunications Rights-of-Way Oversight Act (2002 PA 48 or “METRO Act”) provide the framework for this activity.

Public Access Submissions

If you have useful, Non-Profit information you would like to share with our viewers via our bulletin board, please download the "Public Service Announcement" form and Email the completed form to [email protected] and write “PSA” in the subject line; or fax it to (313) 224-4255.

If you have a video you would like to have shown on Public Access Channel 68 please call (313) 224-2100 to schedule an appointment to come in and complete the necessary paperwork; or you can Email [email protected] with your request. Please note: All submissions will be reviewed before airing.

Film Production Permit

The Detroit Film Office issues a no-fee general permit for all film production being completed in the City of Detroit. To obtain a DFO Permit, the film company or producer must complete a film permit application. Find out more on the film application process.