Civil Rights, Inclusion & Opportunity Department


We enforce the law and make opportunities and access thoughtful and equitable. 

CRIO continues to expand its mission. We not only investigate civil rights complaints, but we also empower Detroit businesses, ensure access and host meaningful community events to engage and inform our citizens.

Our Mission

To provide excellent service to all who live, work, play and do business in Detroit, advocating for inclusion and increased opportunities resulting in a positive impact in our City. 


CRIO Core Values

About CRIO

The Civil Rights, Inclusion & Opportunity department, formerly known as the City’s Human Rights department, is the oldest civil rights department in the country, with roots dating as early as 1926 and 1947.

However, in 1974, a new city charter implemented a department to serve as the City's civil rights agency, including investigating complaints of discrimination. Today, CRIO’s purpose is ever expanding to investigate and irradicate discrimination, secure equal protection of civil rights, promote inclusion, and create opportunities and access for all citizens.





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