Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)


The CERT program educates people about disaster preparedness for hazards that may impact their area and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations. Using the training learned in the classroom and during exercises, CERT members can assist others in their neighborhood or workplace following an event when professional responders are not immediately available to help. CERT members also are encouraged to support emergency response agencies by taking a more active role in emergency preparedness projects in their community.


Cert Training Class


Detroit Alerts 365

Be Safe. Know when there’s an emergency impacting your area.

Would you like to receive timely emergency notifications pertaining to the city of Detroit? Detroit has a new notification system called Detroit Alerts 365, which sends Detroit-specific emergency notifications through the CodeRED emergency notification system—a system used by emergency services teams and municipalities nationwide. This free system enables you to choose how you would like to receive alerts--via telephone, text message, and/or email. Visit the Detroit Alerts 365 homepage for more information on how to sign up.

Detroit Community Emergency Response Team Training

Detroit Emergency Response Team holds free, quarterly 4-day training sessions. Interested individuals must complete the Detroit Community Emergency Response Team registration form. The August 4-day CERT training session is scheduled for the following dates and location:

September 19-21 and September 28, 2024, at Eastside Community Network, 4401 Conner St., Detroit, 48215

October 10-12, and Oct. 19, location TBD

November 14-16, and Nov. 23, location TBD

Participants must complete all four sessions to receive their certificate of completion.